Trans & Queer Friendly Virtual Medical Clinics

DISCLAIMER: The businesses, providers, services and organizations are listed in this directory as a service to the LGBTQ community. HeyDenver makes no promises or guarantees about the accuracy or quality of the services being offered. The community is advised to carefully review the organizations listed in this Resource Directory before making a decision about utilizing any listed services.

If you discover incomplete, false or misleading information on this directory, please send corrected information to

True U Clinic

Virtual clinic dedicated to transgender healthcare needs specializing in hormone therapy and gender-affirming care. Visits and lab work are done from your home and medications shipped to you, making the process 100% private and confidential.

Contact the clinic directly: (888) 292-0799 or visit their website:


Confidential, convenient, queer-led, and trans-focused healthcare via smartphone through a subscription. Membership includes everything  you need to start and maintain your HRT subscription with the exception of the cost of the medication itself. They also provide letters for gender-affirming surgery.

Folx Health

A range of care that affirms your identity and partners with you to make healthcare choices that suit your life.

Circle Medical

Circle Medical is driven to make high quality healthcare delightful, personal, and accessible to everyone, no matter who you are.

Planned Parenthood Virtual Clinic

High-quality, affordable care — wherever you are. We offer expert, trusted telehealth services.